Unfortunately, we cannot contact Spotify, Apple or Google for specific questions about our customers' podcasts, as they do not allow this due to privacy regulations. So you'll have to contact them yourself. In this article we'll explain how and where you can get in touch with their help centers. Bear in mind that all communication with these help centers is in English ;D.
Spotifyhas a Help Center especially for podcasters. This help center has an extended FAQ database with articles where you can find answers to your questions.
If you can't find the answer to your question, you can use the chat option. Mention Springcast as your host so Spotify has all the necessary information.
Apple Podcasts
If you want to contact Apple Podcasts, go to Apple Podcast for Creators. Here you can find information about your account, your Apple Podcast Analytics, the visibility of your podcast and your RSS feed.
You can contact Apple by logging into the Apple Connect using your Apple ID and selecting contact us in the footer. This will take you to this contact form.
You can contact Apple by logging into the Apple Connect using your Apple ID and selecting contact us in the footer. This will take you to this contact form.
YouTube has a help centre, with relevant articles. If your question is not listed here, you can post a question in the YouTube Community.
If you still have questions or problems after contacting Apple, Spotify or YouTube, please let us know. We are always happy to help!
Visit our support page here.
Happy podcasting!