It is possible to submit your podcast to YouTube so that your podcast can also be listened to via YouTube and YouTube Music. How to do this? We will explain that below.
News: Google Podcasts stopped distributing podcasts and recommends using YouTube (Music). This article is not about moving Google Podcasts to YouTube, podcastcreators need to submit their show separately to YouTube and YouTube Music.
Create account and check settings
You can submit a podcast to YouTube if you have an account with access to advanced settings. You can check this in your current YouTube account or create a new account by following these steps:
1. Create an account or log in to YouTube Studio
2. Click on 'Settings'
3. Click on 'Channel'
4. And then 'Feature Eligibility'
At the bottom you can see if your account is suitable
Verification and RSS feed submission
You can now submit your RSS-feed to YouTube.
1. Click on 'Create'
2. Click on 'New podcast'
3. A pop-up will appear, select 'Submit- RSS feed' here
4. Verify your account by making a verification choice
5. Follow the verification steps
6. Read and accept the terms of service
You may now have to wait for your verification to be approved. Then continue with the steps below.
7. Read the information in the 'How it works' screen carefully and click 'next'
8. Enter your Springcast RSS- feed and click 'next'.
9. Click 'send code' and enter the code sent to your email address and click 'verify'
10. Make a choice in which episodes you wish to upload and click 'next'
11. Your episodes will be uploaded and they will remain on private. In the last screen, click 'Save'.
12. Wait until all episodes are uploaded and the checks are completed before publishing. You will receive an e-mail when it is finished.
13. Publish using the 'Podcasts' tab on the 'Content' page.
Your podcast can now be listened to via YouTube and YouTube Music!
Important: YouTube will create a static video of your podcast episode artwork or your show's artwork. It is not possible to upload videos in Springcast and distribute them directly to YouTube. However, you can upload your video yourself in YouTube Studio and add it to your podcast's playlist. It will then contain an episode with a statistical video and an episode with the video you uploaded. In that case, because you will then have 2 versions of the episode, you can choose to delete the episode with the statistical video from YouTube. Note: not from Springcast!
As far as we know, it is not (yet) possible to replace the statistical video from YouTube with your own video.
Access statistics
When you put your podcast on YouTube with the Springcast RSS feed, the RSS feed is read (and it is constantly read, so new episodes are also seen by YouTube), but is played directly via YouTube. It is not (yet) possible for Springcast to retrieve statistics from YouTube or YouTube Music and put them into the statistics dashboard. So you can see these separately in the YouTube dashboard itself. If this changes, we will update this article.
Do you have questions about submitting your podcast to YouTube and YouTube Music? Ask via support.